Thursday 1 August 2013

How to make green tea

In my previous post i told you all about the benefits of green tea and as promised today i am gonna tell you guys how to make green tea for those of you who would prefer consuming it for overall benefits and not just beauty benefits. Ok it does taste slightly bitter if i were to say so but trust me with regular consumption you get used to it.

Method 1


~a vessel to boil a glass of water.
~a green tea bag
~a glass mug

  1. Take a glass of water and boil it.
  2. Now transfer this water into the glass mug.
  3. Dip the tea bag.
  4. Sip on your green tea :)
Method 2:


~a vessel to boil a glass of water.

~a lid to cover the vessel
~green tea leaves or pearls
~a glass mug

  1. Take a glass of water and boil it and then turn off the flame.
  2. Now add the green tea leaves or pearls.
  3. Quickly close your vessel with a lid. (you want all the good things to remain in it and not to be taken away by the air).
  4. Let it steep for about 2 minutes.
  5. Open the lid and strain it and transfer it into your favorite glass mug.
  6. Sip on and enjoy :).

It does sooo much good to your skin, hair, immune system, brain and helps you loos weight in the long run :)..

Lots of love.
<3 <3 <3

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